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Xenos Rampant

Xenos Rampant

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Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The leader is a Warzone Supreme Necromagus and his bodyguards are painted in a style reminicent of the Warboys from Mad Max – Fury Road with the pale fleshtone drybrushed white.  The bodyguard models are Nexus Cyclos Infantry from the Kryomek range still sold by Scotia Grendel.  I particularly like the “boom sticks” as an idea for cultists.


10 Cultist light infantry with heavy weapons.  North Star plastics with a couple of weapons from their extra resin sprue but mostly from NS plastic Scavengers.


Cult assassin is a Warzone Dark Legion Reaper of Souls.  Plastic NS Cultists for the acolytes.  Fortunate that the plastic set had very similar sickles to the one their leader sports.


Assault cultists.  Weapons are from the NS Sci-Fi conversion sprues.  Yellow masks to make them easier to spot on the table.  I guess this choice was in honour of the standard Space Marine helmet colour scheme but I didn’t make that connection when I was painting them, just needed a bright contrast to the robes.


The heavy support.  This is another Warzone model, Karak the Keeper who is about 60mm tall so looks quite imposing alongside everyone else.


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