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Xenos Rampant

Xenos Rampant

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List building - Cultists

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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I had a box of North Star Cultists and ordered the Sci-Fi weapons extra sprues as the basis for a cultist force.  I have a couple of Warzone miniatures that looked ideal a character models and they went with them.  24 points again.  Final list is:

Brutal leader and 4 Light Infantry bodyguards with armour piercing and fanatical discipline – 5 points
10 Cultist light infantry, increased squad size and heavy weapons – 5 points
5 Cultist assault light infantry, assault doctrine, close quarter doctrine, fanatical discipline – 4 points
Cult Assassin and 4 acolyte beserk infantry, fanatical discipline – 4 points
1 Oversized support infantry (counts as 5), engulfing – 6 points


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