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Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

Sharp Practice - ACW for Pennies on the Dollar.

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Stage 4 Cavalry are Done.

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6

Hi everyone,

Finally, the fourth stage of this project is finished and I now have two cavalry units for both forces.

I don’t mind painting horses, if I only had a single horse to paint, but 32 horses  can be a struggle.  First of all, it takes twice as long to paint up a cavalry unit than an infantry unit, and secondly the reins can be very very taxing to paint.

Stage 4 Cavalry are Done.
The Confederates will give those dastardly Unionists a run for their money!The Confederates will give those dastardly Unionists a run for their money!

Now it is on to Stage 5!  Here I will paint everything else that remains.  Going through what I have left, I have decided to paint up 2 more infantry units for each force, a canon and crew for each force and several characters.

After that this project will be closed and I will more on to my next army (It is for Kings of War).

Until next time stay safe and have fun.


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