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Children of the Hydra's Teeth

Children of the Hydra's Teeth

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How to summon an army using hydra’s teeth

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Skill 5
Idea 8

I like skeletons. Always have done. I have several different brands represented in my collection of random models. I even have a box of the Wargames Atlantic skelliebobs in the stash. For this project though, I knew I wanted to pick up the box from Warlords of Erehwon. It is called Children of the Hydra’s Teeth and features a necromancer who looks exactly like the the one in the film. 

How to summon an army using hydra’s teeth
How to summon an army using hydra’s teeth

The box itself retails for just under £50 from third party shops and I have a bunch of point for Goblin Gaming that I’ve been building up to go towards a treat. They were going to be for something in the new year but sod it, now will do. 

So without needing to cast any summoning spells or, disappointingly, without needing to don a funny hat, I managed to summon 90 skeletons and a necromancer to raise them for £32 including postage. 

How to summon an army using hydra’s teeth

It is a packed little box and comes with water slide decals. The sprues are identical and each has six skelliebobs on it with options to arm them with swords, spears , shields and bows. A quick glance at the sprue and my first thought was “huh, the feet are separate”… oh sweet summer child, you have no idea what you’ve got yourself into.

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Cult of Games Member

I have never seen this box set before.
When did this come out?

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