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From Role Play to 40K

From Role Play to 40K

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Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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It turns out that Techmarines have all the gear. So lots of unique bits required on this one.


Most of the mechanical claw arm is bits of old disposable camera. The claws & saw are from Anvil Industry.

The 60s ray-gun is just random bits stuck in place of a plasma pistol.

A power hammer was modified with the help of a 2nd edition ork axe.

Top mounted bolter is just a bolt pistol with a mag attached to the side.

Servo skull from Anvil Industry.

I didn’t know what to do on the chest, so added an extra power pack thing to power all his gubbins.

The head is an option from a primaris battle suit.

I added a step to the base in order to turn the running stance into a stepping up position.


Check list


  • Assault Intercessor
  • Intercessor Sargent
  • Infurnus Marine – Baraca
  • Apothecary Biologis – Vultis
  • Lieutenant – Castamon
  • Chaplain
  • Techmarine
  • Judiciar
  • Champion
  • Captain

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