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Justin's 40K Project: The Gamer’s Gaming Table!

Justin's 40K Project: The Gamer’s Gaming Table!

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Making Your Terrain Grimdark! Building A True Wargamers Warhammer 40K Table! TerrainFest 2023 #3

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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James Cutts Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Looks fantastic so far, the colours and tones really suit this greener matt well and the trees are great additions to the board and the terrain pieces look very versatile. The ork kit is still a monstrosity, though now equally monstrously painted 😀

Might not be a true wargamers table, but I’d love to see a few shots of the terrain covered in greenery like an overgrown outpost, it would be perfect for all manner of sci-fi adventures such as Stargave, for example…

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