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The Ikea Bag Time Capsule

The Ikea Bag Time Capsule

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Day 1 - Citadel 40k Trees

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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tarting out today, I wasn’t sure what kind of table I was going to be working towards. Looking at everything that was in the bag, it is more than one table’s worth but some of it I’m holding back for another project. The rest of it I can’t really start painting until I have an idea of what the ground texture and colours are going to be. So I decided to start with something non-committal.

The trees. These are some Citadel 40K tree from 2000. There were four packs worth in total in the bag. They are… interesting. To begin with I wasn’t sure I liked them. I clipped the bits out into piles of the same sized bits and started putting them together with no real goal in mind.

Day 1 - Citadel 40k Trees
Day 1 - Citadel 40k Trees

The first couple I definitely got some bits in the less than optimum locations but once I got going, it was quite enjoyable. By the end of it I knew that I was going to base them on some Warbases pond bases ( I have in the stash.

I also knew that my table was going to be jungle themed. I have a mat that I don’t use often because I’m not a fan of the image but it would look pretty good for a jungle table. It also means that at least some of the terrain can be kept neutral so it can be fantasy or sci-fi. Lovely.

I kept aside some of the bits from the trees for adding to other pieces and quickly ordered some cheap plastic plants from Amazon to bulk out the foliage. They should arrive quickly so I can get some more work done before I go back to work on Tuesday.

Day 1 - Citadel 40k Trees
Day 1 - Citadel 40k Trees

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Cult of Games Member

Ancient falling over G’Wullu trees… weird nostalgia is hitting me XD

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