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Aircraft Crash Board

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Which trees to use?

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 9

I would really appreciate the community’s opinion on which combination of trees  I should use for the board. The goal is to create a feel of somewhat dense jungle, but keeping it playable.

The plan is to repurpose some of my existing trees, and I did order more palm trees.

Below are some photos I took earlier, also places some aquarium plants in situ, I do intend to use them as well.

Which ones I should use? Mix all or just one or two types? Get something else altogether?


Tree 1: palm trees. Many available and ordered more.

Tree 2: Willows. These are old 4Ground trees, no longer available. I have 3 or 4.

Tree 3: Woodland Scenics trees. I’ve plenty of armatures in different sizes and foliage couple of different green tones.

Tree 1 - Palm treesTree 1 - Palm trees
Tree 2 - WillowsTree 2 - Willows
Tree 3 - Woodland scenicsTree 3 - Woodland scenics

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zebraoutriderguillotinehutch Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I love this build. For the trees, I would go with a mix. Most jungles have a mixture of plants. I would keep it fairly open though as you have quite a nice green base already, which would indicate that the grass is getting some sunlight and not fighting too many trees for nutrients. Google images of the jungle and see what comes up. I would also replace the aquarium plants with the laser-cut ones you can get these days as they are more in scale, plus those larger leafy aquarium ones are a pain to repaint to make them… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

In total agreement with @hutch and yes this is a brilliant and inspirational project! ???

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