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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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More assembly and second coat of paint.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The base is actually made of two pieces in order to give the raised floorboard effect. This is the bottom level. The base is actually made of two pieces in order to give the raised floorboard effect. This is the bottom level.
Top and bottom level attached. Top and bottom level attached.
Walls and floors are now attached. Walls and floors are now attached.
Second very light coat of green added and white trim painted up. Second very light coat of green added and white trim painted up.
Everything dry fitted into place. I need to do a few touch ups on the paint and add the signage but mostly done with this building. Everything dry fitted into place. I need to do a few touch ups on the paint and add the signage but mostly done with this building.

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