The Last Trench Crusade War Transformed
Days 10 and 11 Barbed wire
Having finally finished the sand bags I moved onto the last two sets of flooring, same technique of cut up coffee stirrers applied, then I went in and added a few more greebles and decided to go with candles as well, I had plenty left over from my idols of torment terrain build.
Finally I was able to spray it all black for dry brushing and weathering.
The rules referenced the ‘bones of giants’ in the art and flavour text , so I added a little nod to that with an old STL I had kicking about.
Taking a breather from the trenches I set about creating some barbed wire, I decide it would be easier to have this as a separate entity from the board. Especially when it came to storage.
The book also references vines growing through the wire , so I made a test piece.
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