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Cyberpunk Urban Growth with 144artist

Cyberpunk Urban Growth with 144artist

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DL Headquarters Begins Construction

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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This kit is big, I mean really big.  Thank goodness it is all pre-painted.  First thing I did was look through the stack of frames and make sure they were in alphabetical order.  The plastic pieces were set aside as I knew they would be the last parts glued on.  I found it took over most of my dining room table once I sorted the frames and began gluing.  I always go through the instructions at least once before I begin cutting any pieces free.  I have found some minor errors in the online instructions at Black Site Studios.  Nothing terrible just an occasional mislabel or lack of label for pieces.  For example, the first section of the building has two thick beams that made by assembling three parts for each, one shape between two matching shapes.  The instructions reverse the part numbers which is pretty easy to spot when one has the pieces in hand.

I split the stacks up to make it easier to sort through them.I split the stacks up to make it easier to sort through them.
Hmmm, good thing I cleared the table off.Hmmm, good thing I cleared the table off.
The instructions reverse K1 and K2The instructions reverse K1 and K2
One can see the number and shape doesn't match what the instructions show.One can see the number and shape doesn't match what the instructions show.
Pretty clear with the pieces in hand or on the board as the case may be.Pretty clear with the pieces in hand or on the board as the case may be.
So big that the Kabuki Hotel would fit inside the space if the stair landing wasn't in the way.So big that the Kabuki Hotel would fit inside the space if the stair landing wasn't in the way.
Binder clips are your friend.Binder clips are your friend.
So are tape and weights.So are tape and weights.
This is the first section's exterior walls.  There are detailed ones for the interior as well.This is the first section's exterior walls. There are detailed ones for the interior as well.
Scale Team4 is checking out the beginning of construction.Scale Team4 is checking out the beginning of construction.

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