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Secret Satan 2023

Secret Satan 2023

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2023-10-11 Swing and a miss

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
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So today was one of *those* days. Sitting here for almost 2 hours staring at the models and not getting into the hobby mood what so ever.

No spark, no idea and no energy. I hate these kind of days.

But, since this is going to be a gift and I’LL BE DAMNED IF I DON’T FINISH THEM I pushed myself to do even a little.

Added a bit of red and bone on parts I missed last time and went to town with Citadel Boltgun Metal and Vallejo Game Colour Glorious Gold. While doing that I found more spots I missed with different colours last time so I will have to do some cleaning up at some point later.

Also I’m drawing a blank on how to paint the guns. Ordinary metallic? Bright blue and black parts? Will sleep on that for the time being.

Well, here is some progress:

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