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The Macau Incident

The Macau Incident

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I need a bunch of islands for the game tomorrow.

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In a fine display of planning that game I agreed to pop on three weeks ago has caught up with me and I found myself rapidly painting very small ships. With one day to go I realised I didn’t actually have any terrain, a key element of the scenario I had planned.

The plan

I need a bunch of islands for the game tomorrow.

A quick raid of the hobby stash found be all the material I needed to get something on the table quickly. I settled on the following.

  • A bunch of woodland scenic rock molds I’d cast years ago and never used.
  • That tub of filler sat under my desk
  • the trusty hot glue gun
  • a random assortment of paints i had on my desk for another project
  • some woodland scenics clump foliage


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