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The Nice Inn - Bringing DnD to the Tabletop

The Nice Inn - Bringing DnD to the Tabletop

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Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 6
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So where to start I have the tools and materials ready to go. However I need to figure out the design of what I want to build so that I can break it down into logical steps.


All my scratch built items of terrain items in 25/28mm are based on two sizes of foot print. Either A4 or A3. This is so they can fit onto the table and are not too difficult to store or move around.

I have an idea of what the Inn looks like, as I drew this out for my DnD adventuring.

The plan of the inn as designed for the DnD campaign I am running. The plan of the inn as designed for the DnD campaign I am running.

Although the drawing is well within the A3 template, it is not to scale, and if I scaled it up to 28 mm it would probably be far to big.

The other issue is I only have a single floor, my building will need to be across at least 2 if not 3 floors.


  • Design a new Inn, Toria has been considering a new look anyway
  • Fit within an A3 layout
  • Scale to be usable for 25/28mm figures
  • At least 2 floors


So whilst this is first and foremost a building for DnD, I also want to use it for multiple game systems. So the look and feel if the building is important. This means styling it to an Historical period. As the earliest I will be using it will be medieval I will be going with that period.

Requirements continued.

  • Medieval style building.


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