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Stone cold town ruins in the snow

Stone cold town ruins in the snow

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2023-10-08 Day 3 Now with more disaster!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This is to document that sometime projects really go sideways.

I wanted to use my airbrush for the first time in ages. Just putting some grey paint on the pieces. Turned it on and it just didn’t pass any paint what so ever. (Yes I did dilute the paint as per instructions) Took it apart, cleaned it, spray multiple cups of cleaner through it and tried again. And again: nothing. Repeat process and now it’s not even pulling water through.

I increased the pressure but that too only help little to none. I’m not sure where the problem is. Back to normal pressure and no needle in it liquid gets sprayed but no matter how far back I pull the trigger there is no paint coming out. I even changed needle and nozzle to a .5mm setup and still no spray.

The bloody thing is now soaking in airbrush cleaner (the front part up to the cup) and I will try again tomorrow. And “tried and tested tips” are *very* welcome.

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