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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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Part two

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 4
While not strictly speaking on the undead side, these will form part of my dogs of war unit Richter Krugers cursed company.While not strictly speaking on the undead side, these will form part of my dogs of war unit Richter Krugers cursed company.
The other unit of graveguard, entirely lord of the rings undead models and all in glorious metals!The other unit of graveguard, entirely lord of the rings undead models and all in glorious metals!
I’ve never been ecstatic about dire wolves, however these reaper dark heaven legends dread wolves are quite nice metals.  I’ve never been ecstatic about dire wolves, however these reaper dark heaven legends dread wolves are quite nice metals.
Heresy miniatures ghouls, enough for a regiment of twenty, the mother carrying baby makes me a touch queasy to consider so I haven’t painted them yet!?Heresy miniatures ghouls, enough for a regiment of twenty, the mother carrying baby makes me a touch queasy to consider so I haven’t painted them yet!?

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Jason Stockwellsundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nice Morgue Minis skellibobs and undead centaurs!

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