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Aircraft Crash Board

Aircraft Crash Board

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Getting paint on

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12

Cracking on with the project!

The plane was primed Skeleton Bone last night. I will be painting it white with an airbrush, the theory is that skelly bone gives a good weathered base.

I glued the parts of the plane to the board and blended them in with some PVA, sand and modelling compound.

The with the modelling compound PVA’d sand dry, I got a coat of primer on. I used Army Painter terrain primer ”wilderness and woodland”.

Getting paint on

After the terrain primer was dry, it was time to start slapping on some colour to the raised areas.

I used my trusty artists acrylics from big tubes. Applied in very slapdash manner, all will be blended in with washes and drybrushing later.

Getting paint on
Getting paint on
Getting paint on

One observation on the modelling compound: it dries a bit brittle. So parts were chipping off when I was brushing on the paint, which was alright as I was able to cover any patched with paint. If I wanted to avoid that, it would have been a good idea the give the whole piece a coat of PVA before painting.


While the acrylics were drying, I went with the airbrush to add white colour to the plane itself.

Getting paint on

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Cult of Games Member

Brilliant project @guillotine. It’s going to look great when it’s finished. ?????

Cult of Games Member

Looks excellent. I too have a crashed plane printed out, buts it’s different to this one. This one looks excellent.
Nicely done.

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