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Frostgrave Terrain

Frostgrave Terrain

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And on a very similar note...

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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I had a very similar piece of packaging that got the same treatment. This time I only built up one side to hopefully make it a slightly different prospect as you decide to scale it.I had a very similar piece of packaging that got the same treatment. This time I only built up one side to hopefully make it a slightly different prospect as you decide to scale it.
The make shift nature of the piece and last minute repairs all adds to the narrative that these represent in my head canon about these.The make shift nature of the piece and last minute repairs all adds to the narrative that these represent in my head canon about these.
I like the ladder. Two kebab skewer lengths glued together on one side and same again on the other, connected by rungs made of coffee stirrers.I like the ladder. Two kebab skewer lengths glued together on one side and same again on the other, connected by rungs made of coffee stirrers.
And the other end has just coffee stirrers lodged into the stonework and pretty regular heights as a kind of ladder.And the other end has just coffee stirrers lodged into the stonework and pretty regular heights as a kind of ladder.

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