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Frostgrave Terrain

Frostgrave Terrain

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I added some more posts and some protection at the staircase ends. Painted up and snow added I added some more posts and some protection at the staircase ends. Painted up and snow added
I made my own mix of snow which I am happier with. The straight up 4Ground snow static grass tends to blow away once dry. So I mixes it with some glitter and some flower soft to give the PVA something to bond with and hopefully hold onto more of the lovely snow static grass texture.I made my own mix of snow which I am happier with. The straight up 4Ground snow static grass tends to blow away once dry. So I mixes it with some glitter and some flower soft to give the PVA something to bond with and hopefully hold onto more of the lovely snow static grass texture.
My blend of snow is mostly the 4Ground but a small addition of the flower soft and glitter seems to have less blow away.My blend of snow is mostly the 4Ground but a small addition of the flower soft and glitter seems to have less blow away.

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