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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Bricks and Wood

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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In thinking about how a Western town would be built up, a town Marshall or county Sheriff would eventually make an appearance and would indicate the town is growing up from a fly by night campsite to an up and coming town that might want a degree of respectability. For reference, a Sheriff is an elected official and are found at the county or parish level of government. Each county will have a county seat which is essentially an officially established town. Most county government would then be in the county seat, including the Sheriff’s office.

Marshals can be elected or appointed and have a much wider range of functions from depending on the jurisdiction. In most Western towns, the Marshall would probably have had jurisdiction in just the town and would probably have been appointed.

I decided that the citizens probably wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money on a jail so no fancy paint jobs. Bare wood and brick and probably a nice sign.

Main floor and front door. Main floor and front door.
Side and back wall. The brick was painted with red mixed with black in a roughly 3:1 ratio. The iron bars for the windows are black. Side and back wall. The brick was painted with red mixed with black in a roughly 3:1 ratio. The iron bars for the windows are black.
The rest of the iron bars were also painted black. The rest of the iron bars were also painted black.

Need to decide on an interior color. I’m thinking a pale buff or beige color. It’s a jail, so nothing fancy. There’s no interior detailing and I don’t want to make things too fancy or create too much work. I’ll save that for some of the other buildings.

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