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Frostgrave Terrain

Frostgrave Terrain

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TerrainFest Expansion.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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These packaging pieces have been found in the seasonal / sale aisle at Lidl. They worked out well for my bridge and watch towers. These packaging pieces have been found in the seasonal / sale aisle at Lidl. They worked out well for my bridge and watch towers.
I start with the planking of makeshift staircases and platforms as in the previous pieces. I start with the planking of makeshift staircases and platforms as in the previous pieces.
I build up the sides with supporting pieces, all supported with PVA. These three supporting pieces aren't coffee stirrers. They are an odd shape. Not ice lolly sticks. Not tongue depressors. But sadly I can't ID where I got them from.I build up the sides with supporting pieces, all supported with PVA. These three supporting pieces aren't coffee stirrers. They are an odd shape. Not ice lolly sticks. Not tongue depressors. But sadly I can't ID where I got them from.
I used some contrast colours to pick out a few planks with the intention to use another wash to stain it all anyway. The first coat of contrast would hopefully give me the colour variation I was looking for.I used some contrast colours to pick out a few planks with the intention to use another wash to stain it all anyway. The first coat of contrast would hopefully give me the colour variation I was looking for.
Then I got bored and sprayed it with Dirty down. This has left it pretty dark. And the look wasn't quite what I wanted, so prepared for some alterations.Then I got bored and sprayed it with Dirty down. This has left it pretty dark. And the look wasn't quite what I wanted, so prepared for some alterations.

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