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Antiques and Curios

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Shops are a must for any self-respecting Victorian-era city, and what better place to start than an Antiques and Curios shop?

Dated 1890 for good reason.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (H.P. Lovecraft) was born on the 20th of August 1890 and thanks to him we now have the amazing Cthulhu Mythos.   I won’t go into too much detail about the person himself as that can open up a whole can of worms, what with his views on different aspects of life, but his weird creation of the Mythos has quite likely had a massive impact on a lot of games we have all come to love.

Painted in the same quick style as the other buildings.  Nothing too fancy or special.

Once I have a decent number of buildings done, I can go back over them to add more characterful details here and there.

Antiques and Curios
Antiques and Curios

Next up is a generic shop.  I will add signage to it later.

I wanted to get this building done because there are various bits from these buildings so far that I intend to put into 3D builder and alter and cannibalise to create other bits and pieces for my city.  Before I do that however I wanted you to at least see the fully printed out and painted buildings to get an idea of where my mind was going when I was looking at them.


Antiques and Curios
Antiques and Curios
Antiques and Curios

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