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Aircraft Crash Board

Aircraft Crash Board

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Idea and the plan

Tutoring 12
Skill 10
Idea 15
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The idea is to build a small terrain board (roughly 2’ x 2’) featuring an aircraft that has crashed into jungle.


Constraints and choices:

  • It must have fairly small surface area, I don’t have a big storage space.
  • Playable for 28mm – 25mm warband type skirmish games. I’m thinking Drowned Earth, 7TV, maybe Judge Dredd. So handful of models.
  • Historical plausibility. No weird alien plants etc.
  • No need for modularity. I want to be able to model cool stuff, and this is more intended as a showcase piece.
  • Playability in the sense that figure bases fit, and there aren’t too many sloped surfaces.


What I have so far:

  • Crashed Aircraft STL files from Printable Scenery:
  • Above partly already, the printer is hot as a write.
  • Ikea Lack table as a the base board. I’ve few spares and have used them successfully before to build terrain. Cheap, light and durable.
  • Cheap jungle plants from eBay.
  • General modelling materials.

Below is a super rough pencil drawing. The plane is enough in scale to fit to the Ikea board, leaving enough space to fit models in between.

Quick sketch Quick sketch

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