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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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October 3rd - Drop Pod Massacre

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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There is a part of me that knows how to be a good painter. She just gets ignored for inexplicable reasons. Case in point, yesterday I had to do a big chunk of work on the Drop Pod for the Space Ducks project. The deadline is this week as the take launch event is this time next week at Warhammer World.

It’s a vehicle and it’s yellow. Clearly when doing a wash the best option was to panel line it. I even had that conversation with myself earlier in the day. As I sat down last night to watch some old XLBS episodes though, I forgot. I just the Agrax all over that thing, didn’t even thin it.

What a plonker.

I didn’t take photos because I was so angry at myself. Instead I got up this morning and took advantage of not starting work until lunch. I masked off the bits that were fine and re-primed the whole thing with the Colour Forge sunset yellow.

A couple of hours later, and some quick Sponge weathering, and it’s done. Well, it’s done enough.

October 3rd - Drop Pod Massacre
October 3rd - Drop Pod Massacre

Can’t say I’m overly happy with it but it looks roughly like it’s meant to and the Space Ducks will be able to put it into service.

I’ll be buying a ticket or two for the raffle so who knows, it might come back to me in the future! I’ll post the link when the raffle goes live, it’s raising money for a good cause and one that is particularly close to my heart after the past week.

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