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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Deployable terrain

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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As part of your warband, Bushido allows you to purchase upgrade cards, event cards and terrain to refine your approach. My son likes to use both the Road Side Idol and the Gorinto cards as part of his Temple of Ro Kan force so rather than deploying 30mm bases, I decided to 3d print some terrain for him.

On the left in the picture, we have the roadside idol that allows a monk in btb with it to use an activation to generate their full Ki for the turn. Very handy for the Ki hungry monks.

The idol was a 3d scanned image of a real Buddhist statue (I forget which one) that I’ve downloaded and reduce in size to fit the game scale. I’ve then virtually attached it to a 30mm base in a 3d building tool and printed it out. It’s been painted with a bronze, given a light dry brush of dark rubber grey, a heavy dose of nihilakh oxide which I’ve then wiped most of it off. Finally, a dry brush of shining gold to pick out the detail. All quick and easy.

The Gorinto (on the right in the picture) allows one model each turn within 6″ to gain 1 extra Ki (Ki being the in game currency for models to perform their special actions and boost their abilities). Out of game, a Gorinto is a Buddhist pagoda, often used in funeral services.

To create this, I’ve searched thingiverse and found a free gorinto which I’ve then attached to a 30mm base in a 3d builder program. Once printed, it got a grey primer, black wash and then a grey dry brush. It was painted in about 30 minutes including drying time.


Idol and Gorinto, living in harmonyIdol and Gorinto, living in harmony

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