Strange New Worlds - a TerrainFest of alien forestry
For any project beyond one or two miniatures, I always create a moodboard so I can bring together imagery and examples of the kinds of things I’d like to achieve.
I want this terrain to be usable in a few settings:
- Star Trek (naturally!)
- Age of Sigmar exotic Jungle
- Victorian steampunk/War of the worlds
Fortunately, the Mortal Realms for Age of Sigmar have massively opened up the opportunity for all kinds of exotic Flora beyond green jungle. And a steampunk/War of the Worlds setting allows great scope for alien plant life or genetically engineered oddities from Victorian geneticists.,g_1:plant:E5TqKCVCJhM%3D&rlz=1C1ASRM_enGB974GB974&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjx3PSa6NqBAxXVsCcCHZaVC9UQ4lYoCHoECAEQPw&biw=1903&bih=963
Just saying