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The Last Trench Crusade War Transformed

The Last Trench Crusade War Transformed

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A Quick Dabble

Tutoring 14
Skill 17
Idea 17
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I had been quite intrigued by the idea of building some trenches but never really vibed with the idea getting into another historical game. I had vaguely heard of there being a variant of Turnip28 with a slightly more modern twist, Sludge or something and there was the Last War Forbidden Psalm variant and of course A War Transformed.

Fortunately the day was saved when Trench Crusade came along and invented World War One and everyone got really excited because there was nothing else like this, like ever before .

Snark aside there are great ideas and communities around all these games. Time to dive in

The first rulebook (AWT) arrived and came with a sprue of Frostgrave wizards, I couldn’t resist kitbashing these with my Wargames Atlantic kits

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some fantastic work!

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