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Port  San Ecila

Port San Ecila

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The Table layout

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Having my own game room, it means I can layout a table before any prospective game , and tinker with it before we actually play. Helped by the fact that since the event… My gaming schedule has gone from weekly to Monthly if lucky.

Having set up the base table layout  I can now add to it as I find odd bits of suitable terrain that has been hidden in various boxes in games room, and add bits as I go along. As in these intial shots you can see a new addition in the Shape of Fort Amber , which has been built and base coated, and will be painted during the darker evenings.

All of above is subject to change as I slowly build extra bits to help with Narrative, though as with the base Hexon Terrain , is all modular, to aid with play, and for ease of storage.

As last week went on I’d be digging through cupboards, and trays , and I found bits of scatter terrain to add,plus 3 more buildings, one Tudur, which matched the colour, and two old Resin buildings which I used for Western games one being suitably a Cantina.

Cantina with WizzKids Mage Knight table and Chairs.Cantina with WizzKids Mage Knight table and Chairs.
Warcradle Spanish Church wit added Foreground WallsWarcradle Spanish Church wit added Foreground Walls

I decided I needed more carts and Boats so an offer went into Blotz, as I had one of their jolly boats , which was added to bits of Warcradle scatter terrain including the nice shed.

The Table layout
The Table layout
The Table layout

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