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Blood and Crowns

Blood and Crowns

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A Distant Mirror

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 7
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I don’t really do Historical Wargames

Back in what seems to be another life now, I was an archaeologist. I’ve worked on a lot of medieval sites and even did a the ground work for a big project at Towton which I have seen quote the findings of neuerous times on her. So when people talk about the bone structure of archers, that was me. (I found the bodies clever people put it all together quite literally in some cases).
But I never did historical wargames.

A Distant Mirror

Later I went on to do a masters degree to medieval history, and have written papers on the plague and the role of knights in society.

But I never did histocial war games.

I’m not sure why? Properly because thats what I did professional, when I wanted to relax I would rather paint or play games with Space Marines and Orcs than what I did during the day.

So what changed? Age I suppose. When a friend showed me the kickstarter for Blood and Crowns I was instantly hooked.

Now I do have some models already. I have a load of old Bretonians and if any of you have ever been to the Royal Amrouries in Leeds you will have seen the huge display of Argicourt in 28mm, done by the Perry’s using mostly the old Bretonian models.

Image courtesy of the BBCImage courtesy of the BBC

So this project will be a mix of subjects, it will cover not only getting my old models cleaned up and ready to play, but also the various notes and research I plan to do to make the army as close as I can.

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