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Justin's 40K Project: The Gamer’s Gaming Table!

Justin's 40K Project: The Gamer’s Gaming Table!

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The Plan

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6
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To kick off I wanted to give a little pre-face on what I’m trying to do, my most hated type of gaming table is a narrative sprawl that you simply cant get a good game played out on. So I asked myself what would a good gamers gaming table look like?

First step is to pick out a range of terrain that I think I can build it from that’s going to do the key things I want in a gaming table.

  1. must be plastic (I like having lots of detail and I think plastic gives the best results when painted.)
  2. Must all be from the same range (I’m not a fan of mixing ranges a lot, if its by the same company its going to have a consistent scale and look.)
  3. must be modular (I hate tables that can only be built a single way that if you play on it over and over it gets boring)
  4. must not be heavy themed to a single color scheme (I want to avoid painting the table in a way that means I can only use it on a single type of table E.G. winter or desert)
  5. must not have too much on the table I don’t want a crowded table where you can’t see your minis or get good movement or lines of fire)

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