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BaP sailors and special characters

BaP sailors and special characters

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European special characters

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I wanted to make a few special characters for the European factions, but I wasn’t sure exactly what parts to use to make them. The recent kickstarter came with a drum and drum stick hands to make a drummer, but no specific bodies for it.

There is a special character called a drummer boy, and that gave me an idea. The wargames atlantic conquistadors have the same problem as the Aztecs, they are slightly shorter than the Firelock models. But that means they might be perfect for the drummer boy, since hes a kid.

Once I attached all the pieces, I was quite pleased with the result. I did a quick zenithal with the airbrush, and then painted him up. I used the same process as for the sailors, just using speedpaints and then tidying up some of the details with regular paints.

I decided that the best bodies for most of these special models would be the sailors, and I had already painted them all. So I went through the models I had painted, and started remixing them.

The first one was the lime green shirt. I snapped off an arm and a leg and attached the hook hand and the peg leg to make a grizzled veteran. Arggg

Next up is the standard bearer. I took this man’s gun away, and then attached a banner pole to it. I don’t have a solution for the banner itself yet, but the model is easily identifiable and maybe one day ill figure out a way to make a flag.

Next up I wanted to make a master gunner. There isnt a specific way to make them as far as I know, but I had extra equipment for the gun crews. Normally it consists of 4 models, each with a different tool. I decided to snap the weapons off this guy and attach 2 different cannon tools, cuz obviously a master gunner is just a regular gunner who multitasks.

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