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Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

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Painting is done! (for now) pt. 1

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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YAAAAAS! I’ve done it! I set the deadline and I got it done!
Last year has been a happy but difficult one in the private life with very little time for the hobby. To be honest, finding time was still difficult. So I did a half an hour here and there. I even tried painting in bed (not recommended: pain in the neck and lighting is horrible). I know the end result is not at the level of what many of you hobby wizards conjure up, but it looks decent, has character and is actually done. Hah!

So, without further ado, here is the magnificent band of the 1054st Void Shrike regiment of the Vostroyan Firstborn:

Painting is done! (for now) pt. 1

The Sergeant-in-arms

The sergeant is simple and maybe the least interesting model to me. I had to look up the markings of a sergeant in the Grande Armée (different Emperor, same oomph), I hope I found the right one!

The Surveyor and his faithful houn...erm CAT

I think the cat and the surveyor turned out nicely. I feel the bot still needs a name, but I haven’t thought of one yet.

The Endurant

I love how this guy turned out with his mighty shield. For the ‘1054’ text I used the old Cadian transfer sheet (I don’t know whether it is still packed in newer sets). Note that ‘1054’ is not on there, so what you see is actually a loose 1, 05 and 4 carefully positioned together.

(I’ve reached the limit for the number of sections in this entry, see part 2!)

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