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American Horror

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

Having been collecting a fair few figures for a Gothic Horror setting I couldn’t resist getting my hands on the lovely Ravens Perch model by Petite Properties.

This kit is a mixture of laser-cut cardboard and MDF.  Extra detailing can be added if required.

The base kit looks like this when constructed.The base kit looks like this when constructed.

The panelling on the walls was done with double sided sticky tape and thin card.  The chimney was made from air drying clay.  I used DAS modelling clay.  I used the same clay to make the pillars for the gate leading up to the house.

American Horror

The rear of the house is open, and I left mine a dark colour.   I did consider adding a back to the model but decided against it.  My games using this will be skirmish level and I imagine that any back I make would spend most its time off to one side anyway.

American Horror

All in all, I am very happy with this kit.  The instructions are easy to follow, and it forms a good structure to add detailing to without much effort.

I guess my investigators of the occult will have to travel to the New World at some point.

American Horror
American Horror

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