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Gaunt's Ghosts

Gaunt's Ghosts

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Project Entry by fleboy Cult of Games Member

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For Tanith!

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 11
For Tanith!


Since I read the firts book of the Gaunt’s Ghosts novels I became a fan of the brave men who lost their homeworld. I always wanted to paint the famous characters but couldn’t get my hands on the old metal miniatures. When the new plastic set came out I got myself a box but wanted to create a diorama with them. I didn’t want to purchase the box a second time and also didn’t want to paint the same minis twice I looked for an alternative to resin print myself. I found some awesome proxies from Jukko (@RedPilrgrim):





I wanted to put them on scenic bases rather than plain basses with sand. The regiment fought i various conflicts in different environments, but most iconic, and as a little tribute to the lost homeworld Tanith, I put them on forest bases.


I found some amazing forest bases from SRS Studios:

I painted the minitures ans the bases seperate since the long camo cloaks would make it difficult to reach all areas of the mini if it was glued to the base. The texture on the bases was perfect for contrast paint and I then added some leaves and tufts to increase the three dimensional effect.

For Tanith!

The colour scheme for the camo cloaks should match the ground (which is one of the ghosts specialties that make them so successful as scouts) but I also wanted to recreate the box art camo pattern from Citadel.

I painted the cloaks using AK3rd generation Acrylics:

For the basecoat I used Olive green, for the shadows Olive green mixed with German grey. The highlights were done with golden olive followed by an overall wash with Army Painter Military shader. I then brought the base coat and the highlights back up with the original tone.

For the camo pattern I stippled little dots of different shapes and sizes of Frog green and Extra Dark green.

I really like how it turned out!

And that’s it, the brave men of the First and only scouting through the woods of their home planet.

Thanks for reading and until next time!

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zorgAlexandre Recent comment authors
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Nice project ?

I read about 5 Gaunt’s novel and I loved them.

Cult of Games Member

Congratulations @fleboy the figures are fabulous looking for gaming table’s.

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