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From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

From the “Weird” Workbench of Zebraoutrider

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The ‘Dude’s’ decision…

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
The ‘Dude’s’ decision…

Colour Sergeant ‘Dude’ Stroller mounted the blue orchid and kicked his boot as the engine revved and turned over. Something in the distance had grabbed his attention. The C23 border checkpoint was so near, yet also felt so far.

The bike had brought him an incredible way on home-brew fuel, but now was the big decision. Did he wait till night fall, abandon his metallic blue, faithful companion and sneak past the HTQ guards, or would he just go for it on full throttle at high speed and hope to be sufficient distance past the barrier into no-man’s land before the enemy could react?

Then he remembered the wise words of his former cell mate and great friend Flight Lieutenant Mick ‘The GOAT’ Everest – “Dude, if you don’t have hope – you are hopeless!” and with that Sergeant ‘Dude’ Stroller readied his machine pistol and let the engine roar into life…

Miniature chosen: Crooked Dice Miniatures Biker B (metal) SKU MInI 174a, Sculpted by Ernst Veingart. Mounted on a plain, plastic 50mm round lipped base with broken slate from the garden and grass tufts from Serious Play. Black under l coat then blending of basic primary colour palette and washed down with  Drakenhof Nightshade and Reikland Fleshshade. Transfers come from GW Chaos Space Marine Word Bearers and Iron Warriors. Miniature chosen: Crooked Dice Miniatures Biker B (metal) SKU MInI 174a, Sculpted by Ernst Veingart. Mounted on a plain, plastic 50mm round lipped base with broken slate from the garden and grass tufts from Serious Play. Black under l coat then blending of basic primary colour palette and washed down with Drakenhof Nightshade and Reikland Fleshshade. Transfers come from GW Chaos Space Marine Word Bearers and Iron Warriors.

Another give away miniature to a great and supportive colleague who is reducing his workload this year with grander aspirations to one day ride off into the sunset…

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Cult of Games Member

2023-10-03 Your page has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Brilliant just brilliant work on your project figure @zebraoutrider

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