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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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September 21st 10pm - 2am

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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So I have some photos of trying to do the sculpting over where the saddle was on the original model and two of the painting process… I lost the attention span for doing more photos.

Making the scales to cover the two sections was an interesting little hour. I didn’t have the time for super detailed work and had to remind myself throughout that this was not a model for me or my long term collection. It is for a library display. I used Milliput rolled out into a thin sheet and then a couple of sculpting tools to make individual scales. I didn’t have time to let it fully cure before priming and painting so just had to be careful when running the drybrush over it.

The painting for this one was pretty straight forward. Ultimately this model will live in the library for a week, maybe more, but it will get wrecked. That’s the reality of little hands running wild about the library. Plenty of drybrushing and a little bit of detailing and it was done in around three hours – the base colours took 90 minutes alone!

  1. primed black
  2. wing membrane base colour was Vallejo Red Black, several thin layers as the coverage is poor
  3. body base colour was GW Khorne Red
  4. first layer of drybrushing was Mephiston Red
  5. second layer was Evil Sun Scarlet
  6. final and very light touch of Wild Rider Red
  7. at this point I decided I wanted to warm it up a little so went over with a thinned down layer of Vallejo Red Orange on the very tips of the scales.
  8. horns, claws and the spikes at the elbows got three different colours put on them because it was getting late and my brain wasn’t focusing. Eventually I went with Black Legion with some highlights in Skavenblight Dinge
  9. the wings stayed mostly the base colour but I did do some tiny lines to mimic healed tears or scratches in the membrane by mixing a little white into the Red Black

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