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From Role Play to 40K

From Role Play to 40K

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Lieutenant - Castamon

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Lieutenant - CastamonLieutenant - Castamon

I was unsure how to make the Lieutenant look special / different? So I just raised the model up from the base with more cork than the others.

I’m still not sure what makes a space marine Lieutenant look special / different to normal space marine?

I mostly just did a head and weapon swap with this one.

The combi-weapon is a bolt pistol with another bolt pistol end stuck on. Then a hand flamer put underneath with an old jungle fighter flamer bottle on the bottom.

Lieutenant finished Lieutenant finished

Check list

  • Assault Intercessor
  • Intercessor Sargent
  • Infurnus Marine – Baraca
  • Apothecary Biologis – Vultis
  • Lieutenant – Castamon
  • Chaplain
  • Techmarine
  • Judiciar
  • Champion
  • Captain




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