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2023 Hobby Log

2023 Hobby Log

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September 19th-21st

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Work project is a stupid idea. I don’t have the time but once I make a stupid decision I want to follow through on it. I just need to keep reminding myself “it is only for a display at work, it’ll be taken down in a fortnight”

Fringe mountain gets a brown primeFringe mountain gets a brown prime
then a glitter coatthen a glitter coat

So it’s a treasure hoard. Who could it belong to? And who is that sneaking round the side?

sleeping Smaugsleeping Smaug
bloody thieving bastard (TTCombat halfling thief)bloody thieving bastard (TTCombat halfling thief)

Yep, it’s Hobbit Day and as a library staffer it was the perfect excuse to go over the top. I 3d printed the dragon but had to carve some bits off as the original model came with a saddle. No one could saddle Smaug.

In time I’m sure I’ll dive into tweaking the stl before printing to fix this kind of thing but I’ve only been printing for ten days. The resin being translucent meant I couldn’t really see what I was doing for gap filling so I primed the model in black. This is when I realised I hadn’t got the saddle point as low as I thought I had. Oh well, I have 15 hours to get it ready (and to sleep). Wish me luck

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