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Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

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Small addition to the Axeman

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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The Axeman – not to be confused with an X-man (hurhurhur) – needed an update. I like the idea of a guy wielding a large axe during boarding actions, but felt that my conversion was missing something.

The Navis Axeman immediately reminded me of the following photo:

Sappers of the French Foreign Legion (courtesy of Wikimedia)Sappers of the French Foreign Legion (courtesy of Wikimedia)

This picture led me to try to add gloves to my existing conversion. I don’t use greenstuff often and up close it looks…. well, let’s see how it turns out when painted!


Note that I didn’t add an apron. Firstly, I do not think I could pull it off, secondly, I’m not sure it would work with the greatcoat he is already wearing.

That’s it for now! I might spray on some primer on the freshly assembled team as well as think up some easy-peasy basing during lunch break today!

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