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Apothecary Biologis - Vultis

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Apothecary Biologis - VultisApothecary Biologis - Vultis

This is another Character from the novel Leviathan.

Turns out he’s meant to be in some kind of heavy armour. To my untrained eye it looked like he just had a bit of a hood thing. ?

The build was more time consuming than I expected! I’ve got a deadline to meet (my sons birthday)

Check list

  1. Assault Intercessor
  2. Intercessor Sargent
  3. Infurnus Marine – Baraca
  4. Apothecary Biologis – Vultis
  5. Lieutenant – Castamon
  6. Chaplain
  7. Techmarine
  8. Judiciar
  9. Champion
  10. Captain
Vultis & Baraca Vultis & Baraca

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