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Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch

Designing a new game with accompanying model range from scratch

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Second painted miniature and rules update

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2

I’ve been working on the rules more and reduced the turn sequence to 3 steps. In the meantime, I have painted another of the Labradors (poorly) and I think the colour scheme looks okay. I’ve been trying to add a fur texture to the miniatures, but it always looks rubbish. The corrupted re-design is taking longer than I thought, but I’m sure I’ll get there eventually.

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Cult of Games Member

I definatly applaud you for the venture so far, I can speak from experiance in saying that designing your own game is a lot of work but starting is a huge step, youre already so far ahead of me with starting the sculpting so early, I kept putting this off and clearly need to get my a** into gear and start learning how to design miniatures myself.
Great idea’s so far look forward to seeing how this develops over time.

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