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Grey v Blue - resurrection of my 6mm ACW

Grey v Blue - resurrection of my 6mm ACW

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Existing Army's

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 11



Tidying up the figures

What I have realised is that the existing figures whilst nice need to have a bit of work done to the edges of the bases. Although I have two options here.

  1. Use a dark colour like black or grey this will be rather stark but could look neat.
  2. Used a brown or sand colour to blend the edge of the bases into the main colours on the base.


Side note

Just as a side note on one of my first visits to a boot camp at BoW HQ at River House I gave Lloyd a base of Union and base of Confederates along with a 6mm building.  Glad to see after many years OTT are finally realising just how good 6mm ACW is ?

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CommodoreRobnightrunnerElessar2590 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

These look really good definitely something that I’ll keep an eye on. Are those 60x30mm bases?

Cult of Games Member

Lovely looking army indeed. If there is one thing going for this scale is the terrain and buildings. Personally, for large battles, I only play 6mm with sci-fi and 10/15mm for Fantasy and historical, but after looking at your army I might have to eat my hat.

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