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Grey v Blue - resurrection of my 6mm ACW

Grey v Blue - resurrection of my 6mm ACW

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Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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In the beginning

About a decade ago I started on my American Civil War project. This was  6mm and was a result of picking up some figures from Baccus 6mm at Salute. However I never really did find a set of rules I liked.

Anyway I had grand visions of doing Gettysburg in its entirety in 6mm. This project went well I managed to get a largish Confederate army painted. I then moved onto the union and after about 6 bases of union troops the project stalled.

Roll on at least a decade 

So after a good long while later, I have been playing other games including Mortem et Gloriam, which is based on the CCC mechanisms ( coloured dice and cards). I have got involved in play testing a new set of ACW rules based on the CCC system. I have rekindled my interest in ACW. And seeing the discussion on 6mm ACW on the XLBS I thought I would put a project together to follow this continued journey.


  • This project is in addition to other things I am doing so may be added to slowly.
  • The Rules I am playing are not yet in the public domain so I will share what I can when I can.



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