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Kings of War - Shadowed Horizons Campaign

Kings of War - Shadowed Horizons Campaign

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Quick and Grotty

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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We needed some difficult terrain for this weekend’s Ambush game so I knocked out a couple of swamps yesterday.

  1. Using pond bases from Warbases, two for swamps and one for a field
  2. Beveled the edges with a knife.
  3. Air-dry clay to make the basic topography
  4. Some bits of cork for stones
  5. Pva and partisans play sand for texture
  6. Primed with a dark brown spray can from TTCombat
  7. Dry brush ground
  8. Paint the rocks with London Grey and give a wash of Nuln Oil
  9. Tufts are some Army Painter Swamp and some dead grass from an unknown company
  10. AK Still Water with some Death World Forest mixed in with a toothpick

I’ll add some more flock but this was all I had time for before the game. I’m pretty happy with them; they look good, flat enough for bases to sit on top of them and easily transportable which is handy cos they’ve to fit in my bag for the game

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