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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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Scarecrows part 2

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

16th September 2023

Next up for these chaps was getting down some colour on their clothing.

I went for greens greys and browns overall, with ivory for some of the bandage type sections.

I also gave some of the clothes a light drybrush with the ivory to make them look worn.

Then I finished them off by picking out weapon hafts and handles, painting the blades (adding a small amount of orange brown wash to age them), and doing their faces.  The standard blue tongues, and picking out the teeth so they stand out.

Scarecrows part 2
Scarecrows part 2
Scarecrows part 2
Scarecrows part 2
Scarecrows part 2
Scarecrows part 2

So, the warband is pretty much done.

Just need to do some work on the basing, and for that I have some new tufts on the way (from OnTabletop store).

I also may have to pick up some more scarecrows….

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