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Of Fever Dreams and Screaming Nightmares

Of Fever Dreams and Screaming Nightmares

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I was weak when it struck my mind

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 6

I feel like hell. I’ve been sick the past couple of days but I decided to ramp up the healing process by bundling up today at work in the heat by wearing a hooded sweatshirt and then wrapping myself up under multiple blankets at bedtime when I made ready to sleep. I fell asleep and began to dream.

It was a literal fever dream that took me. I only realized later in the safety of sanity, while the gentle patter of rain fell outside and a slick layer of sweat covered me, that I had played out the game Warren had recently described as being attached to terrain. It made no sense as it went through my head. There were no stats I can recall just terrain advantages in jumping from one piece to another and checks made when forces met or lobbed missiles from one to another. It all melded together as I fell headlong into the aesthetic of Verrotwood with some Christopher Lee snippets pulled in from my only presently legitimate sick mind. I have decided that Terrain-tober will be aimed at Verrotwood terrain as the great Ewokkebab has done in past. Here’s some of what kicked off to play in the background of my head.


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james waddellhorati0nosebl0werSquirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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says the video has been removed mate

Cult of Games Member

You flatter me sir, I shall follow with great interest.

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