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Saga "The Old Worldish"

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Day 3, Part 4... Pillage list

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5

I am going to start small and aim for the recommended 4 point starter army, and to add perhaps a “Sword for Hire” option to each force to give a bit more character and tie into the fantasy tropes I am going for. I think that this will allow me to build up some interesting skirmish forces.

One of the reasons I am enjoying SAGA is that the army composition is relatively simple. As a rule, each warband has access to the same 4 basic units, on top of that there may be some specific faction units or units unlooked by Legendary Units upgrades.

For the Vikings you have the standard 4 units:

Warlord – This is the boss obviously.

Hearthguard – Your elite troops.

Warriors – Good old-fashioned rank and file.

Levies – Scum.

Each cost 1 point except for the Warlord, who is free. Which is nice.

Now the Vikings have access to a single special faction unit “Berserkers” and a unit of “Varangians” which are unlocked by selecting Harald Hardrada. The unit’s cost, you’ve guessed it, 1 point each. As does upgrading your Warlord to a Legendary Unit.

For now I am going to ignore the Legenday Units unless I feel that there is something they bring which will really tie in with the Fantasy Race who is representing their Historical Counterpart. So for now no Varangians.

Definately having berserkers. Because Vikings.

Right ho, 4 points. Warlord who as mentioned I won’t be upgrading is 0 points. Berserkers, a must I feel. Thats 1 point. Another unit of Hearthguard. Another point. Unit of Warriors? Sure. So, 3 points down.

Now for my thinking hat for my final point. Its’ a nice hat if you are interested, has a bobble on it and everything. Well not everything. Just a bobble. Sometimes less is more.

The hat in question. My wonderful wife bought it for me. Oddly while I was doing the previous update. It is now my thinking hat.The hat in question. My wonderful wife bought it for me. Oddly while I was doing the previous update. It is now my thinking hat.

I am thinking levies as they are the only shooting option for the Vikings. But I am uncertain as to whether to pick bows or javelins. Think I will sit with a cup of tea and read up. Still the list is complete.

1 Warlord – 0pts – 1 model
1 Unit of Berserkers – 1 pts – 4 models
1 Unit of Hearthguard – 1 pts – 4 models
1 Unit of Warriors – 1 pts – 8 models
1 Unit of Levies – 1 pts – 12 Models

4 points in total and 29 Models. I can live with that. A not insurmountable number of figures to paint and less than single regiments in some games.

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brewer1980Squirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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in case you’ve not see it in the FAQ that was brought into the main rules with a reprint you can split 1 *one* unit only and swap it for half of another unit, 6 levy = 4 warriors = 2 Hearthguard.

It gives a little more flexibility at larger games, I wouldn’t worry about 4 points though.

Beserkers are amazing, hold them back to fire in like a scud missile when a unit is already weakened. Generally the first time out people chuck them in the first wave and they never quite do the damage.


also, nice hat

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