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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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Tutoring 6
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Forgot to post this up at the weekend….

10th September 2023

Its been a bit of a while.  I haven’t been able to get very much hobby in over the past week or so due to work, and being on standby, and various other sundry blockers – including the very heavy weather.

However, I did manage a couple of short sessions in the week.

In the first I decided to make one of the scarecrows into the ranged version grunt.  By taking off the weapon arm and using one of the tentacle arms.  Then I also did a bit of gap filling around the head with milliput.

Next short session was enough to lay down some basic skin tones on the minions. Went with the pink contrast again, to have a common theme with the rest of the warband. Where they had tentacles I painted these in a blue contrast, and tried wet blending the two together with the aid of contrast medium again. Worked relatively well I think.

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