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From Role Play to 40K

From Role Play to 40K

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Standard Jumbo Boys

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Baraca - Leviathan novel characterBaraca - Leviathan novel character

I got a box of primaris Assault Intercessors. This has 10 Jumbo Boys in. The box contains plenty of heads and weapon options.

I also got some 40mm bases for the character models.

To start off my son needed a standard Assault Intercessor and a Sargent to finish off a unit.

Then I made a character from the novel ‘Leviathan’ ( he’s obsessed with this book!)


Standard Jumbo BoysStandard Jumbo Boys

Check list

  1. Assault Intercessor
  2. Intercessor Sargent
  3. Infurnus Marine – Baraca
  4. Apothecary Biologis – Vultis
  5. Lieutenant – Castamon
  6. Chaplain
  7. Techmarine
  8. Judiciar
  9. Champion
  10. Captain


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