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Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

Lonkelo dives into Kill Team

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1054th Vostroyan Firstborn Regiment - the Void Shrikes

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Vostroyans kicking Tau buttVostroyans kicking Tau butt

So, with my first Kill Team out of the way for now, I decided to start building a completely new one based around the 1045th ahem 1054th Vostroyan Firstborn Regiment: the Void Shrikes. So, these are basically a regiment of Vostroyans that were sent to do what they do best: seiges. What they hadn’t been told, was that the fortress to be taken was in the void of space… The 1054th had to figure this out the hard way, but managed to come out on top. By now, they are specialists in void combat, who kick ass and take names, all the while wearing their fancy fur hats!
I therefore thought that they’d make a very cool alternative to the Imperial Navy Breacher models. Also, a much more affordable one, since I went for the Grognards from Wargames Atlantic, who come with awesome rebreather masks!

Sometimes, the only solution to a problem faced by Imperial Navy Breachers is a heavy, two-handed axe. The Axejacks who carry these weapons can not only smash through blocked doorways obstacles, they are also formidable fighters who hack apart any enemy in their way.

First up is the Navis Axejack! This guy has a big axe and knows how to use it! I basically found a set of arms in my bits box for an old GW Empire Great Cannon crew. I chopped the unimportant stuff off and added an axe head. Done? Well, this means that sleeves are a bit more flamboyant than the others’ will be. I don’t mind really, because they are supposedly (space) sailors, but I did try to add some shoulder pad with green stuff. Not my strongest point, but I think it will do the job.

Only the biggest Armsmen in a squad become known as Endurants. To them falls the task of carrying an Endurant shield and heavy shotgun while either taking point or guarding the rear of the squad. Their sheer bulk makes them highly intimidating to their enemies.

Next up is the Endurant. For this guy I slapped together a large shield using space parts. The shield itself is from a very old fighter jet kit. I added some bits from an old WH Fantasy Dwarf standerd to add a design that felt Void Shrikey: basically a mean bird and below it a skull on a pike. For those who didn’t know: shrikes are also called butcher birds, since they tend to impale their prey on a thorn or anything else spiky they might find (like barbed wire).

To make the shotguns that the Navy Breacher normally carry, my plan is to just chop off the front bit of the guns they Grognards carry. I read later that the Endurant apparently carry a heavy shotgun, so I chopped off some more and added the barrel of an old WHFB Empire gunner and drilled it out.

Navis Sergeant-at-armsNavis Sergeant-at-arms

For the Navis Sergeant-at-arms I went down the easy route and only used bits from the Wargames Atlantic Grognard sprue. I might add some more stuff later to make him stand out more as the sergeant, but I’ll need to think about this and/or do some more research. Ideas are welcome! 🙂

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